Colours of Orthodoxy. Greece International photo contest
We have received over 4600 photos from more than 400 photographers.
List of winners
Colours of Orthodoxy. Greece
International Photo Contest
OrthPhoto together with its partners is organizing a photo contest which will highlight photos presenting the beauty of Orthodoxy in Greece
4 categories,
6 photos can be submitted in each category
We welcome your photos in the following categories: Places, People, Reportage, Details
A Photo album will be printed as result of this competition.
This will be 12th album from series Colours of Orthodoxy which is printed by the Publishing Department of the Polish Orthodox Church
Organizers Promotion
Join us! Be a part of OrthPhoto Contest!
Please consider becoming part of the competition by donating a prize or becoming a partner. Partner organizations and sponsors will benefit from having their logo published on promotional material and on the website.
Organizers PromotionCategories
The "Colours of Orthodoxy. Greece" project is carried out with the blessing of the heads of the Orthodox Churches in Poland and Greece: Sava, Metropolitan of Warsaw and All Poland, and Hieronymos II, Archbishop of Athens and All Greece. The main goal of the project is to promote Greek Orthodoxy in Poland, Greece and around the world (the project does not concern to Holy Mount Athos). We want to achieve this goal by publishing an album, organizing an international photo competition and photo exhibitions as well as by other forms of cooperation that may arise during the project.
The contest will be judged by an international panel of experts
The best photos and those receiving awards will be published in an exhibition and album entitled “Colours of Orthodoxy” which will be edited and printed by the Publishing Department of the Polish Orthodox Church
The project does not concern to Holy Mount Athos

General information
The contest will accept photo submissions from March 25 to July 8, 2023 in the following four categories: Places, Reportage, People, Details. Participants are welcome to submit up to six photographs per category.
Participation in the competition
The competition is open to all professional and amateur photographers from around the world. Participation in the competition is free. Organisers reserve the right to extend the duration of the competition.
Rules about sending photos
Only photographs depicting places of worship belonging to Greek Orthodox Church will be accepted for upload/competition. Photos that are likely to present, create or develop tensions will be automatically rejected.
Participation in the contest does not transfer ownership of the rights of the images submitted. Participation through the submission of photography does automatically give license to the organiser and partners as provided herein. By entering the contest participants grant the organisers ( the right to publish their photos in the organisers' publications including albums, calendars, photocast, and exhibitions.
The best photos will be selected for the album "Colours of Orthodoxy. Greece", which will be published by the Publishing Department of the Polish Orthodox Church. Authors whose photos will be chosen for inclusion into the album will receive a free copy of the new album.
Help us to promote the contest
Please consider supporting the contest by publishing a banner on your website, social media or blog. All entities who promote the contest and inform the organisers of this support will be included in the list of supporters.
For your convenience we have prepared and published banners which can be used to promote the contest in different ways. If you have a special request or need please do not hesitate to contact the organisers. The banners can be found below, and used by pasting the html code into your website, blog or social media channel.
Thank you for your help!
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